
Satisfashion is a blog dedicated to the world of fashion and design. It will showcase brands, designers, and individual items that express the true meaning of fashion. Satisfashion will teach you all about upcoming trends, and give biography's on inspirational designers who have made extraordinary impacts on the fashion world. Satisfashion is the perfect blog for those who would love to learn more about the fashion world and who enjoy it as much as I do.

Item Of The Week!

Item Of The Week!
This weeks Item is a pair of black sequined UGG's avilable at UGG's official website for $195.00

Thursday, October 16, 2014

French Fashion

Fashion is an important part of each country's culture. Fashion is changing everyday. Some of the worlds top leading fashion countries are France, Germany, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, the UK and the US. France has contributed much to the fashion world, such as designers, exclusive boutiques and much more. Many famous brands are located in France such as Chanel, Dior, Hermes, Yves Saint Laurent, Givency, and Jean Paul Garner. Pairs is the country's fashion capital. Other fashion capitals include New York, London and Milan.
French fashion has been a very import of their countries culture, it began in the 15th century and is still going strong today.France's fashion industry became a important part of their culture in the 17 hundreds. 


  1. That boot looks tall but gorgeous

  2. I love this insight to fashion. You also choose really great pictures to post.

  3. I love fashion so I love your blog! Good information and pics! Can't wait until your next post!

  4. This was a really good post. The history of fashion is very interesting and it doesn't surprise me that France is one of the leading fashion countries. Awesome job!

  5. I love how you put the history of the fashion you are doing a really great job keep it up!
