
Satisfashion is a blog dedicated to the world of fashion and design. It will showcase brands, designers, and individual items that express the true meaning of fashion. Satisfashion will teach you all about upcoming trends, and give biography's on inspirational designers who have made extraordinary impacts on the fashion world. Satisfashion is the perfect blog for those who would love to learn more about the fashion world and who enjoy it as much as I do.

Item Of The Week!

Item Of The Week!
This weeks Item is a pair of black sequined UGG's avilable at UGG's official website for $195.00

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Life of Coco Chanel

 The little black dress is one of the most famous garments in the history of fashion. it was created by the famous Coco Chanel. Born August 19,1883 as Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, Coco has had one of the largest impacts on the fashion world. Coco grew up in Saumur, France and was put into an orphanage by her father shortly after her mothers death. She was raised by nuns who taught her a lesson that would  benefit her

later on in life, how to sew. Once Coco was older she worked briefly as a singer where she gained her famous nickname Coco. Later Coco stated that the name was short for cocotte, which meant "kept woman" in French. Coco entered the fashion world around the age of 20, when one of her boyfriends(Etiene Balsan) offered to help her start a millinery business. She later left him for one of his even wealthier friends, Arthur Capel. Arthur bought Chanel a small boutique in Paris where she started selling hats. Coco opened more shops in 1910 and started making clothes. In 1920 Coco created her first perfume, Chanel No. 5.In the 1920's Chanel started making some of her most famous garments such as the little black dress, the collarless jacket and well fitted skirt. In the later 1920's Chanel met the Duke of Westminster aboard his yacht. The two stared a decades long relationships which ended after the Duke proposed to her she replied " There have been several Duchess of Westminster- but there is only one Chanel!" During world War II Chanel was forced to fire her workers and shut down her business. While the Germans were staying in France, Chanel met a German military officer, Hans Gunter Von Dincklage. Chanel was then given special permission to stay in her home at the Ritz Hotel. After the war was over some said that  Chanel betrayed her country by dating a Natzi. Chanel then left Paris and fled to Switzerland almost like an exile. Chanel then returned to the fashion world at the age of 70 when her clothes became popular worldwide.Chanel died at the age of 88 in the Ritz Carlton hotel, her home, in Paris on January 10, 1971. Chanel will always be remembered as a women who changed the world of fashion and her legacy will live on for ages to come.


  1. You explained the information very well. I didn't know about Coco Chanel before and after I read your post I realized how much of a difference she made. When I read your post it was very easy to understand. It is a little bit hard to read the words because of the background, but I managed to read it fairly well.

  2. This written really good. I would have never know that Coco Chanel had changed fation! I noticed that in your perpose you said, enjoy it as much as I do,
    I feel that it should be enjoys.

  3. This is a good amount of information! I love her story it's really interesting! This is a great blog I also love how organised it is! Looking forward to the next blog post!

  4. I really like you blog, I had no idea who Coco Chanel was until now. You did a great job going through Coco's life, and I hope to lean more about fashion.

  5. There was a ton of information I love hearing about the new trends. Same with Klaire I had no idea who she was now I do.

  6. There was a lot of information which was really well written! I like your color choices and your background. Very well written!

  7. You put a lot of good background knowlage in. I like how you told us a story and not just boring facts. I had not idea that Coco was even a real person.

  8. I loved the background, font, and your format. I especially love how you you wrote out facts and gave a story of the person behind the clothing line.

  9. i like your back round and information its really interesting. I never knew who this person was but i do now.

  10. Wow, your information is so detail. I have learned a lot just in the first post. Nothing is wrong with your blog and I love your background.

  11. I like this topic, it is really interesting though i think that the words are a little bit harder to read because of the background but over all it is really neat!

  12. You did a great job of sharing information that a lot of people wouldn't know! I love your background and title, it really looks like fashion! Great Job!

  13. Great job! Very good information! I love how you talk about the person that wore those clothes!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Love it I am not a fashionista like you so maybe this will help. Maybe add more pictures.

  16. Thanks so much to everyone who commented ! I'm glad so many people are interested in my blog! I can't wait to get more feedback for my next post.

  17. Love your blog, nothing else needs fixed. Good job!!!
